Tragic Urgency

Tragic Urgency

On a day that seemed like any other… Jet
239 people in Kuala Lumpur boarded a plane for Beijing. Since more than 93,000 commercial flights take off and land every single day of the year without incident, these passengers had little reason to think their plane would not arrive.

Just a few days later… 176 now unaccounted-for people in Oso, Washington were going about their normal lives on a Saturday morning. Suddenly, a massive chunk of rain-soaked mountain plunged to the valley below like an avalanche, roared into the small town of Oso, and obliterated some 49 homes.


In the days since these two events we’ve been transfixed by scenes of family members grieving their loss.

Yet these events are merely dramatic illustrations of the fact that every single day about 150,000 people leave this life and enter eternity, many with no more warning than those on the plane or in Oso.

And this is why it is imperative that we share the Good News. Because the people you are connected to — just like those on Flight 370 or in the town of Oso — may not have tomorrow either. Is this the reason for Jesus’ urgency when He said, “night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4)?

This Sunday we continue our current series — Simply Sharing the Gospel — with a look at how Jesus brought the Good News of salvation to Zaccheus. I think you’d find it beneficial to “prime the pump” by reading the story again (Luke 19:1-10) in preparation for our study. I look forward to seeing you and to our time together in God’s Word.

