the bright-shining ones

the bright-shining ones


“And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3)

“Those who have insight” are the God-fearing righteous. They will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven. Many of you reading this already “have insight.” You’re following and obeying Jesus and growing in the ways of righteousness. And God is pleased—so pleased, in fact, that He intends to showcase you as He does the beauties of the heavenly expanse.

But there is a brighter reward than this, and He offers it to those who lead the many to righteousness. These will shine even brighter—like the stars!—forever and ever.

Hence the question, if one would aspire to that reward, Am I influencing others to righteousness? (Or, in keeping with our natural tendencies, am I just trying to keep my own nose clean?)

Life is so very full of necessary things. You will have to repair your car and repaint your home; you will need to be diligent in plowing and harvesting and setting aside for winter (and for April 15th). And there are still noses to wipe and meals to prepare and emails to answer and bills to pay…!!!

Beyond this there are a great many good things each of us should do today. It is good and honorable to spend quality time with our children, to nurture and train and educate them, to be at their baseball games and piano recitals. It is noble and right to stand against apartheid, to expose injustice, and to fight against hunger and poverty and disease.

But the excellent thing we can do today—the best thing—is to lead people to righteousness. This wins God’s highest pleasure.

So in your sphere of influence—at work, school, where you live, where you play—are you investing your influence with others in such a way as to lead them to righteousness? Don’t just keep your insight to yourself. Employ that listening ear, caring word, act of kindness, or gift of service… and ask God to open a door of opportunity to influence them toward righteousness. He will.

I look forward to seeing you shine as brightly as the stars forever and ever.