God’s Promises

God’s Promises

Not one of the good promises
which the LORD had made . . . failed;
every one was fulfilled.
Joshua 21:45; 23:14

I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I can predict with 100% accuracy what you will say in the not-too-distant future:
Not one of the good promises the Lord made me failed.
Every last one was fulfilled.

It’s not that I have had a prophetic vision into your future. I make that prophesy based on the character of God, who always does what He says He will do. For this reason alone, I know there will come a day when you chime in with Joshua about the total fulfillment of each and every promise God has made you.

And this is why God had Joshua write down those words for us: so that we can learn about God’s character by their experience, and operate in the here-and-now with completely settled confidence that what God has promised… is as good as done.

And isn’t this what Hebrews 11:1 tells us? Even though what God promised has not yet happened, we can be sure of it, absolutely convinced of it, because God always does what He says He will do.

So what are the promises God has made to you… that have yet to be fulfilled? The ones He intends you to be banking on right now… when things looks really bleak? 

I think it would be helpful to write them down–especially the ones that look like they’ll never be fulfilled. And, with this list of as-yet-unfulfilled promises in front of you, bow before the Lord and thank Him that “not one of these good promises the Lord has made will fail. Every last one of them will be fulfilled.” Do this–and keep doing this–until you see with your eyes what you see now only by faith.

Because no check the Lord writes ever bounces.

A Memorial