Watch Yourselves Carefully

Watch Yourselves Carefully

The visit has been great. Now it’s time to go. After all the hugs and goodbyes, we make our way to the door. And standing there with our hand on the doorknob, we often turn and say, “Oh, just one more thing…”

And out of our mouths come the most poignant and powerful words of the entire evening. We’ve saved what’s been most on our heart–what we’ve been trying to find a way to say for the last three hours (or maybe the last three years)… for this moment at the doorway as we are about to leave.

“Now when Joshua was old, advanced in years… he gathered all Israel… and said to them…”

Here they come! Joshua’s hand-on-the-doorknob parting words. And how profound and powerful they are: Watch yourselves carefully! Love the LORD your God. (23:11)

Joshua had pretty much seen it all in his 110 years. He’d been a slave in Egypt, walked through the Red Sea, and camped with thirsty grumblers in the wilderness. He’d walked across the Jordan, agonized over Achan’s betrayal, and been duped by the Gibeonites. He’d heard people solemnly promise, “All that the Lord has said, we will do.” And only a few days later he’d witnessed those same people bowing down to a golden calf. He’d heard bitter complaining drown out amazing worship. He’d seen whimsy and malice, rebellion and perversion, starts and stops, sorry and not sorry… seventy years of this stuff!

Is it any wonder he said to them, Watch yourselves carefully?

We’d like to think we’ll do a better job finishing our race than they did. But we’re cut from the same cloth, friends. The danger is as real to us as it was to them–we could very easily end our journey poorly. Is that why there are so many warnings to that effect? “Press on… don’t become weary… hold fast… don’t leave your first love… keep the faith…”

And what is the antidote to a squandered life? Joshua spells it out: Love the LORD your God.

Not rules. Not grit. Not obligations. Not guilt. Love!

Love the LORD your God. Take Him in, full view. Regularly. Behold Him gracious, tender, and forgiving. Think on His goodness. Rehearse His kindnesses. See what great things He has done for you. Let His love stir love in you.