Do Not Turn Aside

Do Not Turn Aside

Do not turn from it to the right or to the left…
Joshua 1:7; 23:6

We find this figure of speech 16 times in the Old Testament. Twice in Joshua. It means, Stay on the path! Keep going straight! Don’t deviate to the right or to the left.

And it’s often in reference to specific instructions the Lord has given: Don’t turn aside from the commandment–not to the right, and not to the left. Don’t add to it; don’t take away from it. Just don’t deviate from what you’ve been told.

These days, however, we are inclined to view instruction as relative and situational; open to interpretation; flexible and fluid. When given a directive, we encourage evaluation and dialogue. We even welcome pushback, at times, because “blind, unthinking obedience” to a leader’s injunction is not seen as a virtue. And understandably so, at times, owing to human leaders’ fallibility.

But not so when the directive is from the unerring Lord. And as contrary as it is to our nature, we meet His great pleasure when we “do not turn from it to the right or to the left.”

O Father, please give me a heart to do Your will–not turning from it to the right or to the left. I choose obedience. Without contest, excuse, delay, or dilution.