Deal With Your Sin

Deal With Your Sin

Get up! Why have you fallen on your face?

Joshua 7:10

At first glance, those words sound rather harsh, don’t you think? 

Is the Lord oblivious to the fact that Israel has been defeated in battle? That three dozens soldiers were just killed, and that Israel’s army has fled before the enemy? At a time like this, and especially in light of Achan’s sin, you would think the Lord would have been pleased that Joshua had fallen before Him in prayer.

But it’s as if He’s saying, “Look, I’m not interested in your prayers and worship right now, because there’s egregious sin in the camp. And it must be dealt with–now! So get up and deal with that first, and then we’ll talk!”

It reminds me of something Jesus said: “If you have come to worship and are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering” (Matthew 5:24). 

From both of these instances we learn that God is not willing to be worshiped or entreated if we have sinned, have been made aware of it, and are just going on about our lives as if everything is okay. Indeed, He told Joshua, “I will not be with you people anymore” if you allow this sin to remain (Joshua 7:12).

We, too, must act quickly and decisively when the Holy Spirit makes us aware that we have sinned. For if we go on sinning willfully, terrifying things await us (Hebrews 10:26-27).

Lord, I’m asking You to give me a heart that is sensitive to Your voice. So that when You speak to me about some sin I have committed, I respond quickly in repentance, and seek Your cleansing and forgiveness.