Humble Yourself

Humble Yourself

If you’re following the Joshua Scripture memory calendar, you may be puzzled and shaking your head about some of the verses I chose:

Take only a few… Take the whole army… (7:3; 8:1)
…but not by your sword or bow. (24:12)
…you may carry off their plunder and livestock for yourselves. (8:2) 

Yes, I see why you might think they are rather random or even a bit cryptic. But back when I was absorbed in studying the book, the Lord spoke powerfully through these small and seemingly random portions in the book of Joshua to point out biblical principles that are so very applicable to life in our day and time.

Take only a few… Take the whole army… (7:3; 8:1) Remember the battle at Ai? Israel didn’t think they would have any problem conquering such a small city, so they said they should only take a few fighting men to battle. But after they were soundly defeated, after sin was discovered within their ranks, and after their self-sufficiency came down a few notches, the Lord said, “Take the whole army…” They did, and they were victorious. Self-analysis, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance get us in a lot of trouble. In fact, anything that starts with “self-” should automatically be suspect. But it’s hard to spot. So we should regularly ask the Lord to show us where we are relying on self. 

…you may carry off their plunder and livestock for yourselves. (8:2) Remember Jericho, where they were prohibited from taking any of the plunder? Achan disobeyed and took some of the spoils and hid them. It was very costly for him and many others. If only he’d obeyed, because at the very next battle they were invited to take all they could for themselves! No need to hide it! How often do we think to ourselves, “If I don’t get it now I’ll never get it!”? The “it” might be a spouse or a house, or some other golden opportunity. These words remind us that God has great good in mind for us, but at the right time. So it’s important to walk in careful obedience now, to enjoy His abundance in His good time. 

…but not by your sword or bow. (24:12) The Lord was reminding Israel that all their conquests and battle successes had come from Him! We should take these words to heart as well. Because each and every accomplishment, abundance, or advancement that is ours came to us from the Lord. Nebuchadnezzar thought otherwise: Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built… by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty? (Dan. 4:30) Uh oh! Look out! The Lord is able to humble those who walk in pride (Dan. 4:37). Humble yourself instead and give thanks to Him from whom all blessings flow.
