Appreciating How Dads Have Shaped Our Lives…

Appreciating How Dads Have Shaped Our Lives…

Dear Dad,

I’ll never forget your stories. You made distant places like the hot, dusty cornfields of Arkansas and the mosquito-infested, steaming jungles of Mexico seem amazing, even glamorous. My heart pounded with yours as you stole into town at top speed on patched bike tires to secretly mail that cry for help to your parents in Africa. I felt I could have bumped my head on the cold steel of that old parked road-grader the day you knelt to give your life to Jesus Christ. Uncle Emmett had to have been the coolest uncle ever! Those near-death spins and slides on the icy roads of Indiana raised the hair on the back of my neck, too! You invited me into your experience of Christ’s presence when you were robbed of your health. Thank you for enriching my life through your stories!

Happy Father’s Day!