Vexed Into Prayer

Vexed Into Prayer

The. slide. is. accelerating.

Wasn’t it just a few years ago these shameful deeds were done under cover of darkness? How quickly we progressed through the stages: the Unthinkable became Tolerable, then Acceptable, then Legal, and now it’s Celebrated. 

Our national calendar now dedicates an entire month to take pride in our shame. As if it ranks up there with something akin to women’s suffrage!

And it’s closer than you may think. The University of South Carolina now allows students and employees to choose their own pronouns, and change them annually as they may be so inclined.

And these winds are blowing through the hallways of our secondary and even our primary public schools! Truly we glory in our shame (Phil 3:19).

Is your soul vexed, as was Lot’s? (2 Pe 2:7-8) I hope so. But let’s not just be vexed. Let’s join the battle through prayer. Prayer against the march of wickedness, and for the cause of righteousness. Prayer for the Holy Spirit to grant large-scale repentance upon our land. That judgment may be averted. And that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and holiness (1 Timothy 2:2). And prayer for the Lord’s people to have courage to stand firm (Eph 6:10-13).