Posts from June 2024

Posts from June 2024

Who’s Your King?

Was your soul vexed last night as you watched two of the most powerful men of our land swagger and strut and applaud themselves? Were you provoked within as each disparaged and taunted and scorned the other? I mean, really! Golf scores? How striking, then, is their antithesis, the King whom Matthew has been exhibiting. Consider some of what He said…
No doubt you’re familiar with the story of when the prophet Isaiah was sent to King Hezekiah with the ominous message: “Thus says the LORD, ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live’” (2 Ki. 20:1). Please join me in reflecting on that incident. What sorts of things do you think the Lord knew Hezekiah needed to do to “set his house in order”? Probably. But…