Who’s Your King?

Who’s Your King?

Was your soul vexed last night as you watched two of the most powerful men of our land swagger and strut and applaud themselves? Were you provoked within as each disparaged and taunted and scorned the other? I mean, really! Golf scores?

How striking, then, is their antithesis, the King whom Matthew has been exhibiting. Consider some of what He said when on the platform:

  •  “I desire mercy” (9:13).
  • “Blessed are the humble, the gentle, the merciful, the pure in heart…” (5:3-11).
  • “Whoever is angry and says to his brother, ‘You idiot!’ or ‘You fool!’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell” (5:22).
  • “I am gentle and humble in heart” (11:29).
  • “The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (12:34).
  • “On the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak” (12:36).

This King was a ruler who would shepherd God’s people (2:6).
He would not quarrel or shout or raise His voice (12:19).
He felt compassion for the multitudes, because they were harassed and helpless (9:36).
He reached out and touched lepers and let diseased people touch Him (8:3, 15; 14:36).
This King cared for the weary and heavy-burdened, and offered rest (11:28).
This King was bent on “fulfilling all righteousness” (3:15) not on getting elected.

That’s my King! Is He yours?
