Our Speech

Our Speech

The little girl asked, “Mommy, do all fairy tales begin with, ‘Once upon a time…’?”

“No,” her mother replied. “There are tons of fairy tales that begin with, ‘If elected, I promise to…’”

If you aren’t already sick of the candidates’ empty promises, I’m sure you will be soon. November 5th is still a good ways off!

Jesus had a lot to say about what we say. By your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned (Matt 12:37).

He wasn’t speaking to modern-day politicians, of course. He was speaking to everyone! (Which naturally includes modern-day politicians.)

But more to the point, it includes each of us.

Speech is a profound gift from God. Our words have the power to inspire, inform, motivate, encourage, warn, comfort, express love, share joy, persuade, teach, help… and so much more!

But speech is laden with responsibility, too. For our words can easily harm, hinder, and humiliate; demean, discourage, defeat; instill fear; stir up anger; ridicule; and stigmatize. I think there are more negative than positive ways to use words. What a travesty!

This week a friend was telling me what some of his friends had said to him on social media a couple years ago. His friends weren’t trying to be mean, but their words were careless and insensitive. They spoke without knowing the whole story. They drew inaccurate conclusions. Then they verbalized them on social media! My friend is not a fragile man, but he has really struggled with what was said. I was grieved. I was also quite sobered by the realization that could easily have been the friend who had said those insensitive things.

So let’s take a step back and evaluate more carefully the things we say… or text… or post… Let’s heed James’ admonition to be “quick to hear and slow to speak” (James 1:19), for by our words we shall be justified… or condemned!

May the Lord help us!
