A few weeks ago we were in Africa visiting our daughter Courtney and her family. Traveling by car in this developing nation is… an experience. There are horse-drawn carts piled high with merchandise, buses with goats on top and people hanging off the back, motorcycles whizzing in and out, and pedestrians playing real-life Frogger.
One day while driving we were approaching an intersection and there was a policeman standing there. Courtney said, “Don’t make eye-contact with the policeman! He’ll whistle us over and fabricate some reason to give us a citation and try to get a bribe.”
In contrast to such blatant abuse of authority… is our Heavenly Father. Who causes His sun to rise… sends rain… sees in secret and repays… knows what we need even before we ask Him… forgives us our transgressions… considers us worth much more than sparrows… clothes us… and knows that we need all these things (Matthew 5 & 6).
We love You, Father. You treat us kindly and justly. Unlike so many earthly authorities, You do not take advantage of us or use us for Your gain. Amazingly, You exercise Your authority over us for our good.
Praise the Lord!