It doesn’t take too much to make the roads slippery, does it? Water, ice, and snow can have you sliding or doing spinny things into ditches, telephone poles, or other vehicles. Crrrunchhhh!

The roads of life can get pretty slippery, too. With little warning we’re sent careening out of control and into mercilessly hard objects. Relationship crunches. Job crashes. Poor choice bogs. Concrete barriers of disappointment. We can get pretty banged up!

Slippery-when-wet is one of the reasons we push pause every year in February and take a retreat together. We know we need to repair, recalibrate, refocus, recoup, rekindle (add your own “R” words here). We remember Jesus saying to His disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). We need those times. With Him. With each other. To take stock. Go deeper. Catch a fresh glimpse of our Lord. Have our perspectives realigned. Hear from God. And so much more.

So this all begins Sunday morning at 9:30. Don’t miss the Retreat! Pray that God will meet us in a powerful way, and captivate us with Himself, and shine the bright light of His Word on our dark, slippery roads. These highways we’re on can be downright treacherous!

See you Sunday!
