Have you seen this billboard around town?

The power of grace! I can’t think of anything more appropriate to say about Christ’s arrival on our planet. God’s grace toward humanity is so powerful that He sent His only Son to be one of us and to rescue us from our sin. Forgiveness for sinners and eternal life is just around the corner! He’ll have to die, of course, and be raised, but that’s just another facet of how powerful His grace is.

?Grace is powerful enough to draw you and me to Him; to convince us of our need as sinners; to reveal the Savior to us; to invite us to make Him our Lord; to change our hearts; and on and on and on!

This Christmas, as you contemplate the Word becoming flesh, consider the power of grace! I think your heart will just overflow with joy.

Merry Christmas!


Note: I realize this billboard is actually an advertisement for the power of Grace Outdoor Advertising, not the power of God’s grace. But that’s ok. I choose to let their words stir my heart in praise to the God of all grace!
