Life Trajectory

Life Trajectory

On Sunday I shared that Saul’s was a “rooftop” life. The gifted young champion had a beautiful, majestic rise. All was progressing splendidly. Then came the peak, and all too soon his early promise became a flower quickly fading. His decline, degeneration, and degradation accelerated frighteningly. Till finally he met disaster and an ignominious death.

How might we express Samuel’s life visually? And that of Hophni and Phinehas? As you can see, I made an attempt in the drawing.

This Sunday we wrap up our February Retreat with a look at the life of David from the time he was a youth until just before he was crowned king. How might we draw his trajectory during that time period? Was it a steady upward climb like Samuel’s? Were there any hiccups?

And of course, we dare not scrutinize their lives without asking ourselves: What is the shape that represents my trajectory?
