planning to fail?

planning to fail?

Dear Woodland Hills Family,

Last week Barb and I shoe-horned ourselves into two of those econo-ticket airline seats and headed for San Diego to take part in Reyner and Jennie’s wedding.

Reyner & Jennie 2010Somewhere over Arizona, Barb happened upon the September 13 issue of Time Magazine.  Of all the ironies while enroute to a wedding, this issue featured a new business venture called WedLock.  Coyly named, WedLock is “a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.”

Yep, Divorce Insurance.

Think of it as a financial safety net if your marriage fails.  Simply put, if things go badly, at least you can get some cash to salve your wounds (or pay the attorneys).

Think you might need to hedge your marital bets?  Want to take out a policy on your daughter’s marriage because you don’t like the guy she’s marrying?  You can!  And they never need to know.
Is there any fine print?  Yes.  WedLock “does NOT insure against divorce itself–only you and your spouse can do that–but it does afford you the peace of mind that if your strong and healthy marriage turns sour and toxic, you can rest assured that your insurance benefits may help you start your life anew.”
Contingency planning?  Or planning to fail?  Seems to me like this kind of insurance assumes from the beginning that divorce is a viable option.
Friends, the best divorce insurance for your marriage and mine is regularly renewing our commitment to these principles:  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who… emptied Himself… and took the nature of a servant… (Philippians 2:3-7)  This kind of insurance isn’t cheap, but the benefits are priceless.
Let’s pray accordingly for Reyner and Jennie and for ourselves as well.


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