Your Great Name

Your Great Name

What will You do for Your great name? -Joshua 7:9

Let’s be honest. When was the last time you found yourself in a personal crisis… and these words were on your lips?

You and I love and follow the Lord. No question. And we regularly get on our knees when things go awry. That’s a good thing. But as we think back on those times of prayer and the content of our supplications, what portion of our prayer was concerned with how the Lord’s name was faring? If we had to give it a percentage, would there be two digits?

More to the point, have we uttered these words during this present pandemic–What will You do for Your great name?

If you’re like me, you’ve prayed for people who are ill and dying, you’ve prayed for a cure, and you’ve prayed for the many who are without employment and suffering financial hardship. You’ve prayed for protection from the virus, and you’ve probably prayed this especially for those whose immune systems might be compromised. Beyond this, you’ve even prayed for Kingdom advancement; for God to use this crisis to bring many people to salvation; for a spiritual wakeup-call in our land; and for a broad and lasting revival. Amen to all of this!

But if you’re like me, you haven’t said during this pandemic, What will You do for Your great name? I’m ashamed to admit that. My prayers are far too me- and mine-centered.

The more I learn of Joshua, the taller he stands! In the midst of a full-blown crisis… one of his greatest concerns was the honor of the Lord’s great name. Amazing.

O Lord, grow in me a Joshua-like jealousy for the honor of Your great name! Please enlarge my view of Your greatness… so that it ranks at the top of my list as it should. For all the glory and honor belong to You!