Consecrate Yourselves

Consecrate Yourselves

Here is the coming week’s Scripture text from the Joshua Memory Calendar. 1

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you. 
-Joshua 3:5

It’s astounding when you think about it, but in some sense the God of the universe is waiting for us to make the next move. Really?!? Can that be?!?

Yes, God tells us in many places that He is on the lookout for people who consecrate themselves so He can display wonders and do amazing things in their lives.2 Yet He seems to have very little interest in doing those wonders or amazing things for people who don’t consecrate themselves.

One of the first questions that comes to my mind is, What are wonders and amazing things? The word wonders is commonly translated miracles, and refers to His supernatural interventions in bringing Israel out of Egypt: the plagues, parting the Red Sea, sustaining them with manna, bringing water from the rock, and so on. Joshua is telling the people 40 years after their parents’ exodus that if they consecrate themselves, God will again intervene on their behalf with His powerful miracles. Can we, some 3400 years after Joshua, legitimately assume that if we consecrate ourselves the Lord will step into our lives and do wonders? amazing things? Yes, I believe that’s what He tell us in His word.

Which leads us to ask, What does it mean to consecrate yourself? The idea of consecration has two major emphases:

(1) First, it is an affirmation and regular reaffirmation that God is the uncontested Lord of your life. That He calls the shots. That what He says, goes. Period. (Yes, this is much easier said than done.)

(2) Secondly, it means you choose to lead a cleansed life. When the Holy Spirit makes you aware of sin, you confess it as such and turn from it. You don’t live in denial about it, rationalize it, or try to redefine it. The cleansed life becomes the new normal, and 1 John 1:9 is a regular thing for you so that Psalm 66:18 isn’t!

And now we come to the word tomorrow. What does tomorrow have to do with God’s wonders or amazing things?

As you know, there are people who dread tomorrow, and there are people who just sort of let tomorrow happen. But the consecrated person prepares for tomorrow (through renewed devotion and cleansing from sin) and anticipates the amazing ways God will show up tomorrow!

And that kind of godly expectancy, when coupled with humble consecration, seems to be just what God is looking for in a person. To put it in humans terms: That’s an invitation God can’t resist!

But to view it from heaven’s perspective, What human wouldn’t take God up on that kind of offer!?!

Will you join me in making 2020 the year of consecration?

1 Joshua Memory Calendars are available now! Each week in 2020 we’re focusing on a phrase, sentence, or verse from the book of Joshua. I’m challenging you to memorize these short texts and purpose to live bywith, and under the power of God’s Word. If you would like a calendar but aren’t able to worship with us on Sundays, you may request a digital copy by replying to this email.

2 Some other texts which affirm this principle are 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 33:18-19; Revelation 3:20.