No Fear?

No Fear?

You’ve probably seen these “No Fear” slogans around. I often spot them on the back window of 4-wheel drive monster trucks–those trucks with tires taller than most cars. I don’t know, I guess they want us to think they don’t fear anything. (Except maybe a bigger, badder monster truck?) Actually, deep down, I think they must be afraid of mud and water, so that’s why they build their trucks so high.

I find the whole “No Fear” thing interesting. Is this one of those things where if you say it enough times, you’ll start to believe it, and then it will come true? Or is it like “Honest John’s Car Sales” where if you have to say it, we all know it’s not true?

Look in the eyes of people all around you these days and tell me what you see. Masks. Social distancing. Sneeze guards. Hand-washing. Jumping back when someone coughs. Who’s really not afraid?

How kind of the Lord to speak to us through this week’s Scripture memory verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) Now that’s a REAL reason not to be afraid!

And as if that weren’t enough, He gave us Easter to quell our fears once and for all! O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? (1 Cor 15:55) The grave has been robbed of every sinner who has repented of his sins and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. And with that in mind, I think the better No Fear slogan is this one:

As the Gettys sing:
No guilt in life, no fear in death! This is the power of Christ in me!

Following God
A Memorial