Rescue From Our Sins

Rescue From Our Sins

Let’s give some thought to that last phrase: He will save His people from their sins.

Often the Bible mentions our “sin” in a singular, collective sense, gathering them all into one giant mass. But here the angel uses that great plural “sins.” Every variety, every kind, yes, every single sin is included: thoughts, words, deeds, omissions—– every possible way in which we miss the mark of God’s law. These sins destroy us, body and soul, in time and in eternity. How desperately we need to be saved from our sins!

But who is mighty enough to effect such a salvation? Only He who was conceived of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, God’s Son. For to save from sins is to separate the sinner from his sins so that these sins can no longer reach him or inflict their deadly, damning power upon him. But what man ever separated himself from even a single sin, much less someone else? For every sin clings closer than a shadow and will cling thus forever unless God’s own Son frees, rescues, saves us.

Oh! Highest praise and deepest thanks to God for His indescribable gift of a Savior!

Merry Christmas!
