Our Hubris

Our Hubris

We are a divided people. About politics, economics, ethics, or the environment——you name it. Can you remember a time when our nation was more polarized? And everyone feels compelled to speak his mind. Seems we’ll fight at the drop of a hat. Rage lurks just beneath the surface, looking for just about any occasion to erupt.

We are an unwell people. Nearly half a million have succumbed to COVID, and the number is projected to swell to 800,000 by year’s end. Many more have been gravely sick. Over 5 million are without jobs, and many businesses are shuttered for good. COVID has greatly altered the way we go about our lives and run our businesses. The financial cost alone to our society is staggering. Our national debt has soared.

You would think all this would drive us nationally to our knees. To humble ourselves and supplicate Heaven for healing from division, plague, and economic hardship. But, no, it hasn’t. Why? Because we are a proud people.

How often have you heard sentiments like these?

We’ll get through this——we always do. We’re Americans.
We’ll develop a vaccine, slow the spread, and follow the science.

And indeed, our very pride stands in the way. For our Healer has made it abundantly clear:

  • He is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1 Pe 5:5)
  • A broken and contrite heart He will not despise (Ps 51:17).
  • When His people humble themselves and pray and seek His face, He will forgive their sins and heal their land (2 Chron 7:14).*

So then, no matter what others do, will you and I eschew pride and humble ourselves before God? Lament and confess our corporate sin? Stand in the gap for our people? Seek Him for a spiritually favorable outcome to the division, plague, and economic hardship?

Who knows? “Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. For nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” (1 Sam. 14:6)

* I realize this promise of forgiveness and healing is given to the nation of Israel. However, based on God’s character, forgiveness and healing are assured for any nation that humbles itself, turns to God, and repents of their sins (cf. Nineveh). Likewise, destruction is certain for nations which repudiate the law of God written in their hearts (cf. Lev 18:25; Ezek 25-30).