final expenses

final expenses


“How will you cover your final expenses?” asked the life insurance salesman.

“Final expenses” is our culture’s euphemism for the cost of having your body embalmed, placed in a casket, and viewed by friends and family. “Final expenses” also include the cost of either cremating your body, or placing your body and your casket in a vault, burying you in a plot of ground, and identifying your body’s “final resting place” with a marker. These days, “final expenses” usually run $15k to $25k, but can easily cost more.

I know the guy intends well, but I have to swallow hard and bite my tongue when people use terminology like that. I mean, first of all, shouldn’t a life insurance policy insure life? But my bigger issue is with the terms “final resting place” and “final expenses.”

We have it on the best authority that our final resting place is NOT in the ground! Each of us will spend eternity somewhere! And that somewhere is determined by the answer to the question, “Who will pay your final expenses?” In the truest of senses, our final expense is the cost of our sin.

Jesus poured out His life-blood to pay the final expense of our sin… so we don’t have to. Every forgiven follower of Christ is assured a final resting place with Him in Heaven – forever! Sadly, some still choose to pay their own final expenses – in hell – for all eternity.

Friend, have you yielded your life to Christ so He can pay your final expenses? Or are you still standing in line to pay them yourself? Why not give your life to Christ right now? Ask Him to forgive you for all your wrongs, to cleanse your heart, and to transform you into a new person. He’ll do it!

If you have questions or if you’d like to talk about it, write me.