Pastor's Blog

Pastor's Blog

The lamp of God had not yet gone out. These words simply meant that it was still nighttime. God had directed that the lamp in the tabernacle was to be lit all night long—from evening until morning. * So when God came and called Samuel, we know it was still nighttime because “the lamp of God had not yet gone out” (1 Samuel 3:3). But perhaps those words spoke of more than…
Speak, LORD, for Your servant is listening. Utterly profound words! Profound enough, in fact, to be Samuel’s compass for the rest of his life. And from that day on he never wavered. His ears were attuned to everything the LORD said.   Just as profound, but in a sad way, is the fact that those words were uttered by a man who did not listen…
It doesn’t take too much to make the roads slippery, does it? Water, ice, and snow can have you sliding or doing spinny things into ditches, telephone poles, or other vehicles. Crrrunchhhh! The roads of life can get pretty slippery, too. With little warning we’re sent careening out of control and into mercilessly hard objects. Relationship crunches. Job…
A few weeks ago we were in Africa visiting our daughter Courtney and her family. Traveling by car in this developing nation is… an experience. There are horse-drawn carts piled high with merchandise, buses with goats on top and people hanging off the back, motorcycles whizzing in and out, and pedestrians playing real-life Frogger. One day while driving we were approaching…


We are all familiar with odometers in our vehicles. Odometers show the distance the car has traveled. By this we can often discern how much life the vehicle has left in it. Some vehicles—usually trucks and heavy equipment—also have hour-meter indicators, which show how many hours the engine has been running. A vehicle like a snow plow might not have a lot miles to show,…
Unto us a Son is given! (Is 9:6) We are often deceived into thinking God is a withholder. Nothing could be further from the truth! God is a giving God! And this in spite of our conditionl Consider just a few of the ways He gives: It’s true, isn’t it? He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again! (Annie Johnson Flint, He Giveth More Grace) Worship…