Pastor's Blog (Page 11)

Pastor's Blog (Page 11)

God’s Chosen Lineage

Have you ever wondered why God determined that our Savior should descend from Judah rather than from Joseph? Consider how brilliantly Joseph’s star shines, no matter how bitterly the archers attacked him and shot at him and harassed him (Gen. 49:23). Time and again he responded with grace. In spite of mistreatment and injustice, he never returned evil for evil or sought…

Because I Fear God

“Do this and you will live, for I fear God.” Joseph had imprisoned his 10 brothers, accusing them of being spies. To prove they weren’t, one brother was to fetch Benjamin from their father, while the other brothers remained confined. But after 3 days in prison he came to them and said, “Look, I understand your families are back in Canaan starving from the famine.…

Christ’s Foreshadow

Is it just me or do these statements about Joseph strongly parallel and foreshadow Him who was to come? Joseph was hated by his brothers. (cf. Luke 19:14; Acts 3:14) Joseph’s brothers sold him for 20 pieces of silver. (cf. Mt 26:15) Joseph went down to Egypt. (cf. Matt 2:13) Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. (cf. Luke 3:23) The land of…

True Healing

They say real men don’t cry. But I don’t think I’ve ever met a more real man than Joseph, who was certainly not ashamed to weep: He wept as he overheard his brothers acknowledging their guilt from 22 years prior when they sold him into slavery. (Gen 42:24) He wept when he saw his younger brother Benjamin for the first time in 22 years. (43:30) He wept very loudly when he…


When my ship comes in… Last Sunday we explored the lives of two biblical heroes whose ship had most certainly come in: Mary, mother of Jesus, and Joseph, son of Jacob—two model young people who were suddenly thrust into greatness. Their stellar character and integrity had been noted by God and He was pleased to favor them with choice roles in His story. And there are many…

Mrs. Potiphar

She was pretty, smart, and confident. So she started out with the winsome approach: smiling, dressing attractively, pleasantly perfumed, making intentional eye contact, speaking admiringly, flirting innocently… She aimed to have Joseph. And Potiphar’s wife was used to getting what she wanted.  But it wasn’t working. So she upped the ante: dressed seductively, gazed…