Pastor's Blog (Page 14)

Pastor's Blog (Page 14)

The Spirit of intercession

In Genesis 18 the Lord told Abraham that He was about to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because their sin was “exceedingly grave.” Knowing his nephew Lot was down there in Sodom, and not wanting to see him and his family destroyed, Abraham began to plead the cause of the righteous: “Will You indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there…
In recent weeks the abortion debate has reached a fever pitch. Especially since the Supreme Court draft leak. I don’t pretend to comprehend the enormous weight a single mother-to-be feels when she finds herself pregnant and without a husband or network to support her. But I have gasped out loud several times lately at the things people claim are more reasonable…


Now there was a famine in the land… the famine was severe in the land. Guess when this happened. We read about this instance of famine immediately after the account of Abraham’s call and subsequent arrival in the land of Canaan. You will remember that God had called Abraham to leave his homeland and relatives and move to the land of Canaan, promising Abraham that He would…

Fear God

As a young boy I remember being impressed with how big my grandpa’s hands were, especially when my little hand was in his. One day I noticed, however, that he was missing one of his fingers. A printing press had claimed it, I was told. And this became a teachable moment for me: Always maintain a healthy respect for the machinery! Over the years I’ve met a number of men…

Lord, Open My Eyes

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures… You wouldn’t think it possible (but apparently it is) to have read the Scriptures all your life and yet failed to grasp a central aspect of its message. But here were the disciples on Resurrection Day—completely baffled by what had just taken place. Stunned speechless. And central to their utter bewilderment seems…


Nine times in Genesis 5 we read, “and he died.” Adam, Seth, Enosh. Kenan… each of these lived some nine hundred years! But in every case their story closes with, “and he died.” The last person in Genesis 5 is Noah, whose final epitaph is delayed until 9:29—“and he died.” Why did the author stress so pointedly that each one died? Perhaps it was so that Enoch’s story would…