Pastor's Blog (Page 17)

Pastor's Blog (Page 17)

Which Currency?

In my message this past Sunday our focus was on Galatians 6:6-10 and the law of sowing and reaping. I recommended Randy Alcorn’s book, The Law of Rewards. May I share an excerpt? Imagine you’re alive at the end of the Civil War. You’re living in the South, but you are a Northerner. You plan to move home as soon as the war is over. While in the South you’ve accumulated…

The Freedom of Believers

These days our American culture seems to be all about freedom! So much so that at every sporting event someone leads us all in a hats-off, heart-felt “invocation” that the Star-Spangled Banner might e’er wave o’er this land of the free. But I think we have become intoxicated with the notion of freedom. Freedom of speech, for example, has become such an inalienable right…

A Sacrifice of Praise

One of my mother’s Thanksgiving meal traditions was to place before each table guest several kernels of corn. Prior to the meal we would pass around a small bowl. And as the bowl came to each of us we would drop a kernel in the bowl and share one thing we were thankful for over the last year. Inevitably, one or more of us had had a difficult year. Or perhaps a loved one…

Take the Weight Off

I am beyond thrilled to be a part of a church family that takes the Great Commission this seriously. My sincere thanks to each of you who sought the Lord over your part in our faith promise venture and determined to make His last command your first priority. But I confess I’m nervous. With all the uncertainties and difficulties of these present days, how on earth are we…

Walk on the Water

If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat. The book by that name* is of course a reference to the disciple Peter, who responded in faith to Jesus’ invitation to walk to Him on the water. He believed Jesus could enable him to do what was impossible otherwise.** This Sunday it will be our opportunity to respond to Jesus’ invitation to walk on…

Supporting the Saints

The Philippian, Thessalonian, and Berean followers of Jesus were begging. Begging earnestly, begging insistently, begging urgently. For what? They were begging for the favor of participating in the support of the saints.1 You see, the believers in Jerusalem were suffering from poverty and a famine. And hundreds of miles away in the Macedonian province of Greece, these…