Pastor's Blog (Page 2)

Pastor's Blog (Page 2)

Man of Sorrows

On Wednesday when I wrote Jesse that Henry’s departure seemed near he replied, “More sorrow at this point seems almost too much. Maybe it is too much. I’m casting this on the Man of Sorrows.” Yes, of course! The Man of Sorrows! He’s well acquainted with our griefs. See Him weeping at Lazarus’ grave (Jn 11:35). See Him moved with compassion for the widow whose only son had…

The Chopping Block

“If your eye makes you stumble, tear it out… if your hand makes you stumble, cut it off…” said Jesus. On two different occasions. About two different matters. (Mt 5:28-30; 18:8-9) I’ve had personal experience with a debilitating, defeating, besetting sin. For the life of me I could not find lasting victory. I would turn over a new leaf. Make promises. Covenants. Vows… you…

Lord, have mercy.

“Lord, have mercy on my son,” said the father, who had fallen on his knees before Jesus.1 “Lord, have mercy…” said the mother. And two blind men. And the lepers. And two more blind men. There are five instances in the gospels where people realized their staggering, insurmountable need—their utter helplessness—and in sheer desperation they cried out to Jesus for…
Lord, he whom You love is sick.* These words were the first conscious thought I had this morning. I think the Holy Spirit brought them to mind. I sensed He was inviting me to use these words in prayer for a friend of mine who is sick. But I hesitated. Was praying that prayer for my friend a legitimate use of Scripture? Did Lazarus’ situation apply? I wondered…

Our Speech

The little girl asked, “Mommy, do all fairy tales begin with, ‘Once upon a time…’?” “No,” her mother replied. “There are tons of fairy tales that begin with, ‘If elected, I promise to…’” If you aren’t already sick of the candidates’ empty promises, I’m sure you will be soon. November 5th is still a good ways off! Jesus had a lot to say about what we say. By your…


Several years ago I planted two clementine trees in my yard. I was so looking forward to the delight of their sweet nectar. To date, however, the only crop they’ve produced is disappointment. Whatever the reasons, this much is clear: both trees are unfruitful. Once Jesus told about seed that was unfruitful. It was rendered so on account of choking thorns. The story was an…