Pastor's Blog (Page 22)
Obeying God’s Voice
We will serve the LORD our God and we will obey his voice. Joshua 24:24 If you’ve been looking for a life-verse, you just found it! Or maybe you’re like me and you already have a boat-load of life-verses, but you still have room in your heart to treasure yet another great verse to challenge you and keep you going in the right direction. Joshua was near the end…
Standing Before Enemies
Today is the 19th anniversary of 9/11. Do tears still come easily as you re-watch and relive that day’s horrific events? Today is also the day I had assigned myself to reflect and write on the next Joshua calendar memory verse: Israel has sinned… transgressed… taken… stolen… and deceived.Therefore they cannot stand before their enemies.…
Deal With Your Sin
Get up! Why have you fallen on your face? Joshua 7:10 At first glance, those words sound rather harsh, don’t you think? Is the Lord oblivious to the fact that Israel has been defeated in battle? That three dozens soldiers were just killed, and that Israel’s army has fled before the enemy? At a time like this, and especially in light of Achan’s…
Listening in on God
I was intrigued and blessed by Jerry DeRenzo’s message this past Sunday: Listening in on God. Jerry took us to four recorded conversations between the Father and the Son, or between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I asked his permission to restate them here for our review. The first conversation had to do with the Creation of Mankind in Genesis 1:26. The second…
Do Not Turn Aside
Do not turn from it to the right or to the left…Joshua 1:7; 23:6 We find this figure of speech 16 times in the Old Testament. Twice in Joshua. It means, Stay on the path! Keep going straight! Don’t deviate to the right or to the left. And it’s often in reference to specific instructions the Lord has given: Don’t turn aside from the…
Be Strong and Courageous!
Be strong and courageous!Be strong and very courageous!Be strong and courageous!~ Joshua 1:6, 7, 9 Do you get the impression that the Lord wanted Joshua to be strong and courageous?That phrase is found throughout the Scriptures: Be strong and courageous! came from the lips of Moses three times.* We find it five times in the book of Joshua.^ …