Pastor's Blog (Page 23)
Watch Yourselves Carefully
The visit has been great. Now it’s time to go. After all the hugs and goodbyes, we make our way to the door. And standing there with our hand on the doorknob, we often turn and say, “Oh, just one more thing…” And out of our mouths come the most poignant and powerful words of the entire evening. We’ve saved what’s been most on our…
Reverential Fear
“Wow, never done anything like that before!” you just said to yourself out-loud. Goose bumps are still on your forearms; your scalp is still tingling. Talk about surreal! Everyone is in a bit of a daze. “What just happened?” you say to the person next to you.“Well, we . . . just crossed the flooded Jordan River . . . on dry ground,” he…
The Lord of All the Earth
Can you picture some two million Israelites with all their animals, possessions, and rolled up tents, standing next to the flooded Jordan River, wondering how they’ll get across to the Promised Land? Here comes Joshua with the answer: The Lord of all the earth is going to part the waters so you can walk across on dry ground! He says it twice (3:11, 13). You probably…
Your Great Name
Let’s be honest. When was the last time you found yourself in a personal crisis… and these words were on your lips? You and I love and follow the Lord. No question. And we regularly get on our knees when things go awry. That’s a good thing. But as we think back on those times of prayer and the content of our supplications, what portion of our prayer was…
God’s Promises
I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I can predict with 100% accuracy what you will say in the not-too-distant future: Not one of the good promises the Lord made me failed. Every last one was fulfilled. It’s not that I have had a prophetic vision into your future. I make that prophesy based on the character of God, who always does what He says He…
A Memorial
Please allow me to state the obvious: It was GOD who performed the miracle (parted the Jordan River). It was the PEOPLE who prepared the memorial (12 stones). If you had been in God’s place and performed that miracle, how might you have handled this whole memorial thing? Would you have settled for just any 12 river rocks the men chose…