Pastor's Blog (Page 30)
Collateral Damage
Collateral damage is “damage that is unintended or incidental to the intended outcome.” The truck driver never intended it, but after his tire blew out several cars impacted the tread carcass and experienced collateral damage. My son David was a few cars back. The car in front of him ran over the blown tire and threw it up in the air. It landed on the front…
Dear Woodland Hills Family, Last Satuday was the first time Walter Szluc, Jr. had gone kayaking in the ocean. When he and his family arrived at Nauset Beach in Orleans, Mass. in Cape Cod, his daughter refused to enter the water out of fear of sharks. He teased her a bit, assuring her of the very small odds of a shark encounter. A while later, Szluc was about 200 feet…
“God Particle”
Dear Woodland Hills Family, You may have heard in the news this week: physicists are celebrating the discovery of the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that scientists believe gives mass to matter. It’s big news in the world of physics. So big that some people have nicknamed it the “God particle” because they feel it explains the monumental questions…
Dear Woodland Hills Family, As we all know, our nation’s bedrock values are being shaken. Truth is now a moving target. Things long considered absolute are under attack–sometimes via direct, frontal assault; more often through a subtle redefining of terms. I came across this exceptionally well done video clip recently. It ought to have been done by…
Happy Cow
Well, some farmers are now installing waterbeds for their cows to rest on. I am not kidding. Animal chiropractors now give “tune-ups” to cows. And classical music is even being played in some dairy barns.* Is it because: A. these farmers care that much for their cows? or B. contented cows produce more milk? Written on the flyleaf of my Bible is Jeremiah…
Dear Woodland Hills Family, The other day I was praying for some who do not yet know the Lord–they’re still lost and groping about in spiritual darkness. While praying, I believe the Holy Spirit directed my mind to the instance when scales fell from the eyes of now-converted Paul after Ananias prayed for him (Acts 9:17). What a tangible illustration the Lord…