Pastor's Blog (Page 42)

Pastor's Blog (Page 42)

we remember

We remember… We remember the cold, calculated killings of September 11, 2001.   The vicious depravity. We cannot forget the 247 crew and passengers held hostage, then murdered on flights 11 & 77 (American), and 175 and 93 (United).  We reel at the unconscionable malice. The sight of the collapsing Towers is etched forever upon our minds.  Brutal cowards snuffed…

directing the heart

Have I told you the story of how Taylor Hollingsworth proposed to my daughter Elisabeth? The night before what turned out to be the Big Day, Taylor had suggested to Elisabeth that perhaps they might hang out and go shopping together the next day.  The way he presented it made it seem casual enough, so she was in no hurry to get going and ended up sleeping most of the…

fearfully made

You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were…


It’s time to head to work, and as you walk out to your car you see it-a flat!  Or worse, you’re driving along and suddenly you hear “BANG!  thump, thump, thump.”  Oh no!  A blowout! Tire failure.  Does it ever happen at a good time?  Is it ever welcome?  I think it’s one of the things we dread most. At the very least it’s a frustrating…


Have you been watching the mercury soar?  Looks like the “dog days of summer” are here — hot, muggy, stagnant, and stifling. Who has energy for anything? Coca Cola used to market their drink as “the pause that refreshes!”  But with heat like we’ve been having, what could be more refreshing than diving into one of these cool, mountain…

Our 25th anniversary

Barb and I have always dreamed we’d celebrate our 25th anniversary on a cruise to the islands of the Caribbean.  Well, the dream didn’t quite materialize.  But week before last, we did get on a boat.  And we did go the the “islands.”  Here’s a re-cap. Friends Lew and Debe Wayburn put us onto someone who let us use a pontoon boat for a night…