Pastor's Blog (Page 43)

Pastor's Blog (Page 43)

Inner beauty is what counts!

This sign caught my eye as I drove by a nearby school of cosmetology. It struck me because here on Ashland Road we’re working with all our might this year to stress how God looks at the inner person.  But just around the corner on St. Andrews Road they’re working with all their might to keep the focus on the outer person!  Aaargh! Well, I have a few thoughts…

blown fuses

Why is this girl smiling? Because she finally has music! For graduation we gave Elisabeth this older car. Unfortunately, it has had a number of “issues,” one of the more serious being, “No tunes!” It came with a high-dollar stereo… that was dead as a door-nail. I finally dug into this problem one evening last week. Crawled under the dash and found the fuse… which was…

running the race

You should have seen our Woodland Hills triathletes competing at the recent Lake Carolina Sprint! A 500 meter swim, an 11 mile bike ride, and a 5 kilometer run. You’d have been proud! As we cheered them on, I couldn’t help thinking of all the biblical references to athletic contests: If anyone competes as an athlete… he competes according to the rules.1…

what’s your legacy?

  What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.*   Who knows this better than Farah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays? In only a week, each of these stepped from the seen into the unseen, from the temporary into the eternal. Sometimes these made-for-TV, larger-than-life celebrities seem immortal or invincible. But the awful truth…

blissful ignorance?

Wow! Weren’t Sunday’s ministry reports encouraging!?! I came away with a deep sense of joy and gratitude for all that God is doing in and through us. What a thrill to hear your stories! It really is true—Sunday at 11:00 is only the tip of the iceberg of everything going on at Woodland Hills. What’s ahead for us? I don’t know, but here’s…


It was an encouraging sight here this morning! Today was the 7 Oaks Elementary School Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, and lots of folks were bringing baked goods by and still others were arriving to help serve the food. Betsy Killins pulled us all together for a prayer time and a brief reminder of why we’re doing all this—to spread the fragrance of the…