Pastor’s Blog (Page 15)
Highs and lows… gains and losses… hopes and fears… good news and bad… hellos and goodbyes… What a year 2021 has been! Great joy as precious new lives were granted us, but deep sadness as dear ones were parted from us. What a year, indeed. And ready or not, 2022 is upon us! Seems we’ve hardly had time to catch our breath. What will the coming year bring? Uncertainty, for…
Our Savior’s Love
Have you seen these billboards around town? Aren’t you glad this was not our Savior’s mantra? If it were, where would we be? Rather, He humbled Himself… laid aside His divine, heavenly privileges… to take on our flesh and live among us. He was birthed in a place where animals are kept… to a teenage girl whose premarital pregnancy seemed, shall we say, ill-advised and less…
Celebrating Christ’s Arrival
How fitting that we should devote the 9:30 hour this Sunday to honoring our Lord Jesus: hearing again the announcements of His birth, celebrating His arrival, treasuring up with Mary the glorious unfolding of these events, and marveling at God’s amazing plan. I’ll invite you to share with us short sections of Scripture that speak of these things, so be…
Which Currency?
In my message this past Sunday our focus was on Galatians 6:6-10 and the law of sowing and reaping. I recommended Randy Alcorn’s book, The Law of Rewards. May I share an excerpt? Imagine you’re alive at the end of the Civil War. You’re living in the South, but you are a Northerner. You plan to move home as soon as the war is over. While in the South you’ve accumulated…
The Freedom of Believers
These days our American culture seems to be all about freedom! So much so that at every sporting event someone leads us all in a hats-off, heart-felt “invocation” that the Star-Spangled Banner might e’er wave o’er this land of the free. But I think we have become intoxicated with the notion of freedom. Freedom of speech, for example, has become such an inalienable right…
A Sacrifice of Praise
One of my mother’s Thanksgiving meal traditions was to place before each table guest several kernels of corn. Prior to the meal we would pass around a small bowl. And as the bowl came to each of us we would drop a kernel in the bowl and share one thing we were thankful for over the last year. Inevitably, one or more of us had had a difficult year. Or perhaps a loved one…