Pastor’s Blog (Page 21)

Pastor’s Blog (Page 21)

Rescue From Our Sins

Let’s give some thought to that last phrase: He will save His people from their sins. Often the Bible mentions our “sin” in a singular, collective sense, gathering them all into one giant mass. But here the angel uses that great plural “sins.” Every variety, every kind, yes, every single sin is included: thoughts, words, deeds,…


Let this be a sign among you . . . Joshua 4:6 Whose idea was it for 12 men to take 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan River and set them up in the camp as a memorial? God’s, of course. He wanted His people and their successive generations to have a tangible reminder of the miraculous dry-ground crossing of the flood-stage Jordan. And this wasn’t unique.…

A New Beginning

Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you…Joshua 5:9 How often have you just needed a fresh start? A clean break from the past? Like when your middle school peers wouldn’t let you forget that mortifyingly embarrassing incident. Or that boss who could never see you as management material after the shenanigan you pulled that time. Maybe,…

Humble Yourself

If you’re following the Joshua Scripture memory calendar, you may be puzzled and shaking your head about some of the verses I chose: Take only a few… Take the whole army… (7:3; 8:1)…but not by your sword or bow. (24:12)…you may carry off their plunder and livestock for yourselves. (8:2)  Yes, I see why you might think they are rather random…


I gave you a land on which you had not labored. . . cities which you had not built. . . vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant. . . Joshua 24:13 We humans are infected by two serious plagues. One is the plague of blessings forgotten, and the other is the plague of the half-empty glass. The plague of blessings forgotten amounts to losing…

Bar None

All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Joshua 1:16 Are you familiar with Colonel Harry “Paddy” Flint? He led the U.S. Army’s 39th Infantry Regiment in World War 2 as they aggressively pressed back the axis powers in Sicily, Italy and later in Normandy after landing at Utah Beach. When Flint took over the 39th…