Pastor’s Blog (Page 25)

Pastor’s Blog (Page 25)

God’s Presence

The Coronavirus has us all on edge. Cruises are out. Sneezes and coughs are suspect. Even handshakes are being reconsidered. The thought occurred to me that we could stop this thing cold if we all avoided contact with everyone. If we completely isolated ourselves from one another and became total hermits–absolute recluses. But is that even living? God has made us…

Standing in the Gap

I’ve chosen Rahab’s plea for her family members as this coming week’s portion from the Scripture Memory Calendar: Spare my father and my mother and my brothers and my sisters, with all who belong to them, and deliver our lives from death. -Joshua 2:13 If you use a little creative license, the words and syllables almost fit the tune, Not my…

Consecrate Yourselves

Here is the coming week’s Scripture text from the Joshua Memory Calendar. 1 Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you. -Joshua 3:5 It’s astounding when you think about it, but in some sense the God of the universe is waiting for us to make the next move. Really?!? Can that be?!? Yes, God tells us in many places that He…

By This You Shall Know . . .

By this you shall know that the LIVING GOD is among you… (Joshua 3:10) The waters of the flood-stage, overflowing-the-banks Jordan River fled away so the children of Israel could walk across a dry riverbed! That is how they would know the LIVING GOD was among them! In the 3400 years since, we have no record of this ever having happened again. Or of the Red Sea…

Total Eclipse

Dear Woodland Hills Family, It seems all of Columbia is abuzz about the total solar eclipse we’ll experience in just a few days on August 21st. Dan McGlaun, veteran of twelve solar eclipses, goes over the top in urging folks to “experience the full, jaw-dropping, knee-buckling, emotionally-overloading, completely overwhelming spectacle that is totality.”…