Pastor’s Blog (Page 28)
Weakness and Pride
Dear Woodland Hills Family, A week ago I helped my son-in-law change a tire. Something in my back must not have liked that idea. So I’ve been spending a lot of time since then looking at the ceiling. Weakness. Again. Why? So far we’ve covered these principles about weakness: 1. Weakness helps you realize your need for God’s strength. 2. Weakness is the…
Weakness and the Enemy
Dear Woodland Hills Family, We spent $8,362 on health care for every man, woman, and child in America in 2010.* Yet their average income was only $27,915.^ Basically, we are spending 30% of every available dollar on our debilities, diseases, and deformities. With all our medical and technological advances, why are sickness, pain, and suffering still so pervasive?…
Weakness and God’s Strength
Dear Woodland Hills Family, Back aches, headaches, and heartaches. Why so many aches in life? The Apostle Paul was no stranger to weakness — he met hardship at every turn: beatings, imprisonments, life-threatening dangers, hunger, cold and exposure… Then there was that intense ache, that groaning in his soul when one of his flock was stumbling. As if these…
Why weakness?
Why weakness? Most of us struggle with some sort of weakness. One person has recurring headaches. Another’s vision is impaired. Someone else can’t bend over or lift anything without pain. If it’s not allergies it’s asthma or arthritis. Everywhere you turn there’s all manner of disease, defect, or disorder. Why? Some blame…
What are we worth?
Dear Woodland Hills Family, What’re you worth? $42 if you voted. At the end of October, 1,015,615 television ads had been aired for the presidential general election — up 39.1% over 2008 and 41% over 2004. (No wonder we’re tired of election rhetoric!) The pricetag for all this? Over a billion dollars. And that breaks down to $42 for each voter.…
Check the Warning Light
That pesky Check Engine light has been on again in one of our vehicles. So I stopped by Autozone to have them run a diagnostic test and tell me why the light is on. Turns out the oxygen sensor is the culprit. The O2 sensor has a probe that extends into the exhaust pipe and “sniffs” the burned exhaust. It is designed to alert you if your engine is not tuned…