Pastor’s Blog (Page 29)
A Higher View
Have you heard of Felix Baumgartner’s record-setting skydive? This past Sunday he jumped from 128,100 feet above the earth (over 24 miles!) and parachuted safely back to earth. Jet planes don’t even fly that high — their record is a mere 123,523 feet! Baumgartner had to wear a pressurized suit to protect him from the cold (70 degrees below zero) and to…
Spritual Odors
Dear Woodland Hills Family, For the last couple of weeks Barb and I have been picking up on some really offensive odors in our home. We’ve been regularly checking our shoes and sniffing our shirts… but still haven’t been able to pinpoint the source. At times it has smelled like we live downwind from a waste-water treatment plant. The other day we finally…
Will the levees hold?
Dear Woodland Hills Family, As Hurricane Isaac pounds the Gulf Coast (7 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina), we’re holding our collective breath and wondering aloud, Will the levees hold? Isaac’s winds weren’t as disastrous as Katrina’s, but Isaac just slowed to a crawl and dumped enormous amounts of rain. The storm surge plus…
How do you receive instruction?
Take hold of instruction; do not let go. * Heed instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. + In preparation for our son’s wedding, Barb and I went online and ordered a tent canopy for the rehearsal dinner. It arrived in several boxes. The instructions indicated we’d need about 6 people to set it up. On the setup day I didn’t have 6 people. Only 3.…
Let your light Shine
Dear Woodland Hills Family, Recently I came across some choice instruction from Chuck Swindoll inspired by our year verse, Matthew 5:16. I pass it along to you, praying that we will each faithfully live out Christ’s words: Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. [The world] will see…
Increasingly, ‘me’.
What’s on Americans’ minds? Increasingly, ‘me’. A recent study* analyzed words and phrases in millions of American books published over the past 50 years. San Diego State University researchers found increasing reference to the individual with an emphasis on “I” before “we” and have concluded this is yet another indication…