Pastor’s Blog (Page 35)
Pursued By God
…and the man & his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God.* I remember hiding from my dad once. I was a young child and had been invited over to a friend’s house for the afternoon. While I was there my friend and I did some things we clearly knew were forbidden. What’s more, my friend’s parents discovered our disobedience! Later that afternoon,…
You Shall Not Surely Die!
It only took about 45 words for Satan to seduce the first couple. A question, a statement, and a brief explanation. You would think it would take much more than that to ruin human history. First, the question: Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? Eve missed what Satan was insinuating with, Did God really say…? And she…
Knowing Good & Evil
“…you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” (Genesis 2:17) Some things we were not designed for. For example: * We were not made to function with detailed knowledge of the future. * We were not designed for death–that hideous aberration of God’s magnificent creation. And, apparently, we were not designed to function…
In the beginning God…
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” Well, actually, when it came to the creation of the Universe, God just wasn’t necessary. So says Stephen Hawking, famed theoretical physicist, in his new book, Grand Design. “There is no heaven or afterlife…; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark,” he…
Movement of History
“Then men began to call upon the name of the Lord.” Genesis 4:26 What precipitated this re-direct after 130 years of human history? Was this a revival of some sort? Was there some precipitous event that caused this shift? Was it some kind of large-scale return to the Lord? Did God use the putrid stench of sin to bring this about? (Lamech’s murder and…
Partakers of Grace
Paul’s warmth and affection are overflowing in his greeting to the Philippians: “I have you in my heart!” Why were they so close to his heart? One reason he gives is, “you all are partakers of grace with me” (1:7). Let’s think about this phrase, “partakers of grace.” As you know,Paul opens and closes his letter to the Philippians with the prayer of “grace to you” (1:2,…