Pastor’s Blog (Page 50)
He came seeking… you
Before time began He foreknew you. Down through history He has been unfolding His plan to reach you. In the womb He knew you. He chose a manger and deep humiliation… in order to seek you out. In agony on the cross, finding and rescuing you was part of the “joy set before Him.” How fitting, then, that we turn our gaze to the Savior. May I invite you to…
blot, wash, cleanse, hyssop, snow
I’m thinking of a psalm. This particular psalm is one David wrote. In this psalm he used numerous word pictures to help him formulate his prayer to the Lord. From the pictures above, I am wondering if you are able to figure out which psalm I’m referring to. I can’t give it all away, but I’m willing to give you some hints. Key words in this prayer…
the bright-shining ones
“And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) “Those who have insight” are the God-fearing righteous. They will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven. Many of you reading this already “have insight.” You’re…
how many swords?
1 Chronicles 14 through 20 details an extended period where things were progressing along quite nicely for King David and God’s people: military successes on every front; peace and safety at home; rapidly expanding borders; burgeoning weath and prosperity; crops and flocks flourishing… And David appears to have said in his heart, “My! What greatness! …