

Scripture calls him “the beauty of Israel,” “a choice and handsome man,” and “chosen of the Lord.”

We read in the Bible that he was humble, the desire of all Israel, that “the Spirit of God came upon him mightily,” that he prophesied as one of the prophets, that God was with him, and that his heart was changed. 

But sadly, a terrible tragedy befell this great man. He began so well and with such wonderful promise… but then he ran off the tracks and crashed and burned.

About this series: Measured Lives

We’ll be exploring the lives of some of the people written about in 1st and 2nd Samuel. By their lives these men and women offer us rich wisdom and guidance. Our time and place are different, but we share with them the same temptations and hardships, as well as the same Source for victory and joy. For this reason, the Bible tells us, “everything written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the Scriptures we may have hope” (Romans 15:4).
