the end

the end

asteroid impact

Every so often we see a doomsday headline that predicts we’re on a collision course with a massive asteroid or some other space object. There’s one heading our way that may hit in April, 2029. Will that be the big one? Maybe. It’s just a matter of time—“the world will face an extinction-level impact at some point… but we don’t know when.” 1

Before you start doing the math to see if you’ll be around in 2029, listen to what God says: “Only if My decrees—the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night—only if My decrees vanish from My sight, will the descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before me.” 2

God’s promise that His chosen people will endure is resting on the constancy of His decrees. How likely is He to let a stray asteroid make Him a liar?

Today a headline says scientists have “discovered the most distant object in space.” 3 An orbiting NASA telescope caught a blast from an exploding star 12.8 billion light-years away, “near the edge of the universe… which is thought to be 13.7 billion years old.” 4

I can almost hear God laughing and scoffing in heaven. 5 Have you indeed measured My heavens? Do you now void My promise to Israel? Think again: “If the heavens above can be measured… then I will also cast off all the offspring of Israel….” 6

Telescopes are great at capturing the majesty and immensity of God’s handiwork. 7 It’s just that some of the people who look through them aren’t so…. Hmmm, well, maybe I’ll just say this: God’s created word will never conflict with His spoken Word.

1 Apollo Astronaut Highlights Threat of Asteroid Impact
2 Jeremiah 31:35,36
3 Most Distant Object in Space Spotted
4 Explosion From Edge of Universe Seen
5 Psalm 2:4
6 Jeremiah 31:37
7 Psalm 19

