Pomp & Circumstance

Pomp & Circumstance

cap and gown

Caps and gowns, tassles and cords, Pomp and Circumstance, diplomas and speeches… graduation is a big deal, isn’t it? As it should be! Graduation trumpets a fine accomplishment with appropriate honor and celebration. But the really big deal about graduation is what’s ahead. Thus the day’s more formal title. Commencement marks a new chapter with all sorts of fresh hopes and promising opportunities.

I imagine most of us are connected in one way or another to someone who is graduating about now—someone who is commencin’ to plow a whole new field. May I suggest a prayer for that graduate? It’s based on Scripture and it fits this year’s focus on the heart:

“May the Lord direct your heart into the love of God.” 1

“The heart has directions,” says John Piper. “It moves toward one thing or another. It moves toward what it regards as attractive and satisfying and valuable.” 2

So as our graduates turn the corner and head off in their new directions, let’s pray that God will cause them to see His love as more attractive and satisfying and valuable than any other thing.

And while we’re at it, let’s pray that for ourselves as well! We can’t go wrong with a God-directed heart.

1 2 Thessalonians 3:5
2 John Piper, God Demonstrates His Love Toward Us


oh, the stress