

Teachers' Appreciation Luncheon 2009

It was an encouraging sight here this morning! Today was the 7 Oaks Elementary School Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, and lots of folks were bringing baked goods by and still others were arriving to help serve the food. Betsy Killins pulled us all together for a prayer time and a brief reminder of why we’re doing all this—to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.1

Then we headed over to 7 Oaks Elementary where we joined volunteers from two neighboring churches and served a delicious meal to the teachers and staff. We had the privilege of thanking many of them individually as they came through the line and we were able to sit with them during the meal, too. We invited them to submit written prayer requests for any needs they or their students had. And when we gave thanks for the meal, we also thanked the Lord for their investment in the children’s lives, and we asked the Lord to bless them and strengthen them.

What was the response? Well, you should’ve seen how grateful and appreciative the 7 Oaks Elementary folks were! They were touched and it showed. All in all, I think we did exactly what the Lord wanted us to do—we spread a sweet-smelling fragrance of lives devoted to Christ and others.

I was indeed thankful to be part of the caring hearts at Woodland Hills!

May the Lord extend our influence for His praise even more!

1 2 Corinthians 2:14, 15

