Inner beauty is what counts!

Inner beauty is what counts!

This sign caught my eye as I drove by a nearby school of cosmetology.

It struck me because here on Ashland Road we’re working with all our might this year to stress how God looks at the inner person.  But just around the corner on St. Andrews Road they’re working with all their might to keep the focus on the outer person!  Aaargh!

Well, I have a few thoughts about their sign:

Unfortunately, outer beauty DOES get our attention.  And all too often we totally miss incredible depth of beauty in the person who is right in front of us.  Why?  Because we’re erroneously fixated on the externals. Not good.
God doesn’t see things that way at all!  He created exquisite beauty in every one of us.  And that beauty isn’t just skin-deep.  It includes mind, personality, voice, skill set, aptitudes, interests, sense of humor, style, and… well, actually, science is nowhere near uncovering all the beauty God has woven into each of His human creations.  But the most prominent thing of beauty in each of us that attracts God’s attention is our heart.1

We don’t have to resign ourselves to a myopic, external-only view of others.  We can ask God to open our eyes to the true person and see in some measure what He sees when He looks at the beauty and intricacy of the one He created.  After all, each of us is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” 2

And that goes way beyond the externals that more naturally catch our attention… to the heart.

So let’s try to keep our focus this week on the heart of the people around us.  With practice, maybe it’ll become habit.

Have a great week,


1 1 Samuel 16:7
2 Psalm 139:14.