all things laid bare

all things laid bare

Someone once said, “Integrity is who you are in the dark–when no one is watching.”  Consider the following.

Some con men in New York City came up with a scam.  To pull it off, they appealed to Average Joe’s lack of integrity.

They got a bunch of cardboard boxes and stuffed them with bricks and newspapers until the weight felt right, then put “Factory Sealed” stickers on the boxes.  Stolen shopping bags from Macy’s completed the “look.”

As the evening rush-hour traffic backed up at the Holland Tunnel, the con artists started wandering the curb, carrying the bogus boxes inside the Macy’s shopping bags. When they spotted a potential buyer stranded in traffic, they walked up to the car window and started fast-talking a cash deal.

“Hey, man, I got a Sony Handicam here . . . just got if off a FedEx truck.” He lifts the box out of the bag, saying, “Macy’s sells ’em for $999.” Then, jerking his head around nervously, he says, “I’ll take 90 bucks, cash.”  The cars start to edge forward and the other drivers start yelling. The thief delivers his final pitch: “Okay, man, I’ll let you have it for $45. Take it or leave it.”

And the driver takes it, knowing it’s hot merchandise.

When the scammers were asked about how it feels to rip people off by selling them empty boxes, one of them said, “Hey, man, I’m not beating an honest man. No one buys hot unless they’ve got larceny in their heart.” *

Their scam was “successful” because enough people thought they were in the dark.  They figured no one of consequence was watching.

O Lord, before You all things are laid bare.  Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed.  You see in secret and reward accordingly.  Enable us to be men and women of integrity, not out of concern for who is watching, but out of reverence for Your holiness.



* This account taken from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Thomas Nelson Publishers.


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