seasoned with salt

seasoned with salt

Six days till elections.  And if you’re like me, that’s none too soon!  Not because I can’t wait to vote, but because I am sooo ready for the rhetoric to tone down.  I mean, really!  Telling this person to shove it and that person where to ride in the bus…. (And those are the nicer ones!)

They say negative advertising and attacking the person wins votes.  Maybe so.  But we’re called to a higher standard:  Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up… *

And, friends, this admonition is true for us not only when the cameras are rolling, but also in our casual conversations.  It even applies when we’re behind closed doors.

Honesty doesn’t mean saying whatever pops into our minds.  Feelings or not, we are still responsible to control our tongues.  And remember, we will give an account for every careless word we have spoken. **

Lord, let our speech always be full of grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt. ***


*      Ephesians 4:29
**    Matthew 12:36
***  Colossians 4:6
Rest Day


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