My punishment is too great to bear

My punishment is too great to bear

My punishment is too great to bear.You have driven me this day from the face of the land; and from Your presence I shall be hidden… So Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod.
~Genesis 4:13-16

The sad story of an insolent rebel. That’s what this is. Cain’s anger has boiled over into murder, but when confronted he’s not even remorseful, much less repentant. Instead:

1. Cain accuses God of being unjust. That’s right. The murderer (the one who’s still alive) says his punishment is too harsh. “You’re making me work uncooperative soil for the rest of my life because I killed my brother? How unfair is that!?!” Is it any different today? Almost universally, offenders judge their own offenses minor and their punishments too severe.

2. Cain puts words in God’s mouth: “from Your presence I shall be hidden.” But God never said this–Cain did. Have you ever noticed how people bolster their case against God by holding Him responsible for things He never said or did? It’s an important part of establishing themselves as victims.

3. Cain walks away from God. But not because he had to. God didn’t write Cain off. It was Cain who made the choice to leave. Cain is the one who said, “I’m outta here.” Cain is the one who “settled” away from the presence of the Lord, rather than admit his guilt and repent.

I hate to say it, friend, but the seeds of Cain’s rebellion are eager to germinate in your life, too. All they need is a little watering.

Maybe you’re encountering consequences from your sinful actions and you’re tempted to decry the punishment as too harsh or unjust. Why not bend the knee in repentance, instead? Lord, against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that You are proved right when You speak and justified when You judge. (Psalm 51:4)

Perhaps you’re having some heated conversations with God about things He’s done or allowed. Take a careful look at what You’re upset with Him about. It’s possible you’re blaming Him for things He never did.

Things may be to the point where you’re tempted to walk away from God because He’s “done you wrong” or been “unjustly severe” with you. Be extremely careful! Grave consequences are ahead if you do. Cain never came back. Don’t risk it.



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