Money, Gifts, and “Stuff.”

Money, Gifts, and “Stuff.”

This past Sunday my talk from Philippians was entitled 5 Safeguards Regarding Money, Gifts, and “Stuff.” Safeguard #3 was: Resolve that your money and “stuff” will be first & foremost an instrument for gospel advancement.
Well, Richard Peters told me that he and his wife Jo did some hard thinking about their “stuff.” Are we really using our things to advance the gospel? Could we do more?
Richard is a practical man–he likes to bring the theoretical down to earth. So he was wondering what it would look like to be using their “stuff” to advance the gospel. Then he remembered a recent incident. Richard saw his neighbor putting up Christmas lights and straining to reach from a ladder that was too short. So Richard took him his bigger ladder and the job was done safely. End of story, right? No.
Now the neighbor waves every time he sees Richard, they have regular conversations, and a relationship is developing through which Richard hopes to share the gospel. All because of a loaned ladder.
This got Richard thinking about other ways to use their “stuff” to advance the gospel:
– stopping by someone’s house with a pitcher of ice tea
and offering to pray for a need.
– taking someone a candle or a small gift and telling them
how much they’re appreciated.
– leaving a gift in a needy person’s mailbox or anonymously
paying someone’s car repair bill.
– loaning something to a neighbor, even when unsure of
their skills, motives, or integrity.
Using money, things, and “stuff” first and foremost for Kingdom advancement means coming to the point where you say about everything you have, “Lord this (car, house, lawnmower, microwave, necklace, ring, antique, etc.) is Yours and it is only on loan from You. I resolve to be a good steward of it and to use it in partnership with You to advance Your Kingdom. If You take it from me or direct me to give it, loan it, or use it for some other Kingdom purpose, I will agree to that in the interest of furthering Your Kingdom.”

Blessings as you think through these weighty matters,