

DecayHow sad. In Genesis 1:31 God “saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” Yet, a mere ten generations later in 6:11-13, “the earth was corrupt in the sight of God… God saw the earth and behold it wascorrupted, because all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.”

This word “corrupt” refers to something being spoiled, ruined, or marred. It is used to describe the decay and ruin of tangible things such as a vineyard, the temple, or a body. It is also used abstractly to describe moral perversion and corruption, as we read here: “all flesh had corrupted their way.”

Consider the extent of corruption as a result of sin:
* Our globe is now beset with earthquakes, hurricanes, plagues, and other natural disasters.
* The animal kingdom no longer operates in harmony; it’s “eat or be eaten.”
* Every living thing–plant, animal, and person–is on the path to physical corruption and decay.
* All mankind is now morally perverted and corrupt.

Basically, no part of creation now exists as God made it. Because of Adam’s sin, all of creation now groans under this “slavery to corruption” (Rom 8:21). Decay, degradation, and death rule.

But in the wisdom and mercy of God, the story’s not over. God has a grand purpose to eradicate corruption!
First… He overthrew corruption by bringing His Son Jesus back from the dead.  Corruption and decay tried–but failed–to consume His body and soul.  Jesus’ resurrection meant He could save others from corruption.

Secondly… God dealt with inner, moral corruption by making a “new creation” of everyone who turns toChrist in faith (2 Cor 5:17).

Thirdly… for those who’ve turned to Christ He solved theissue of physical corruption by promising an “incorruptible” resurrected body
(1 Cor 15:42,50,53-54).

Finally… He will do away with corruption in creation.
Man’s sin subjected creation to futility (rendered it unable to achieve the purpose for which it was originally designed).  But God determined to set it free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.  In other words, He promises that the whole of creation will one day be released from corruption and “join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay”
(Rom 8:21 NLT).

Lord Jesus, thank You for not abandoning us to corruption. By Your death, burial, and resurrection You met our corruption head-on and stripped it of its power. For this we are eternally in Your debt. Now our hope is fixed on that day when You’ll fully obliterate all corruption and make everything new again. Come quickly!
